
I Know Dirt

“I’m not living in any subdivision, never.” Edited by Nick Ladeau. Transcript for I Know Dirt I grew up in a very rural area of northern Wisconsin. And farming has always been just a stone’s throw away from my reality. I have relatives that farmed, I grew up farming with those relatives, mostly dairy, – […]

Some of the Best Ground in the World

“Nowadays, most of these farms have ripped all the fences out and they can take the 40-acre fields and they make them into 200 and 300.” Welcome Project at Valparaiso University · Some of the Best Ground in the World Edited by Nick Ladeau Transcript for Some of the Best Ground in the World I’m […]

Eliminated by Technology

“It was really a grim reaper for jobs…sweeping away thousands at one time.” Edited by Welcome Project Intern Ella Speckhard Transcript for Eliminated by Technology First time I went in the steel mill was 1969. I came home from college to work in Christmas break. I worked at Republic Steel where my dad was. It […]

Fascinated by the Steelmills

“It was really something, it was kind of like the movies!” Edited by Welcome Project Intern Ella Speckhard Transcript for Fascinated by the Steelmills When I was a kid, we heard the mills, we could see the sky light up because it was a different process then. It was a lot of open flames and […]