
Naming Can Be Powerful

“If we think of it in terms of race, we would not hold a debate over whether it was appropriate for blacks to be pastors.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for […]

Hijab Is Not Just This Cloth

“I grew up in America and I wear jeans, and I want to make sure that’s something that works, that’s still modest.” Want to learn about the first day the speaker decided to wear the hijab?  Check out “I Was Afraid I Was Gonna Chicken Out.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this […]

Kept Quiet and Nodded

“Here’s me and a Hispanic Muslim kid and everybody else.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one approach.) Please email your questions to us or post them in the comment box for […]

Bound To My Safety

“I took my hijab off, and I put it away, and I told my husband, ‘No more.’” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one approach.) Please email your questions to us or […]

As Far As I’ve Gotten

“My Hindu friends say I’m a Hindu… my black friends call me ‘sistah…’  So, no, I don’t identify with white.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one approach.) Please email your […]

The Ultra Evil Eye

“I’m used to the idea of being looked at, but I’m not used to actually being looked at.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one approach.) Please email your questions to us […]

What Shall We Call You?

“There is ignorance on both sides.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one approach.) Please email your questions to us or post them in the comment box for our consideration. If you […]

Act of Hospitality

“I would teach him something so when he encountered with people from my community, he or she would never get shocked or surprised by my people.”   Hold a Conversation In addition to the questions below, please see How to use the questions for reflection. Clarifying Questions What makes the speaker look around when he […]