Corrupting the Moral Fiber

“Valpo likes to hide things that are going wrong.”

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Transcript for Corrupting the Moral Fiber

I think most people like if I came out to them or something they, like, they would be like okay that’s you know it’s whatever, but there’s a difference between what they say to your face and what they say to people and I feel like I have a pretty good sense of what goes on, on campus in regards to that and I think a lot of people are just uncomfortable with it because there’s such a, like, cause it is like a Christian school right. So a lot of people have this preconceived notion of what gay people are like aggressively strong beliefs that it’s like immoral and sinful and stuff like that.

Valpo really likes to hide things that are going wrong. Like, for instance, uh, well it was actually last semester someone had printed out, like, all these derogatory things from like blogs and stuff and then they put that… there’s mailboxes over there in the SOS suite that each student org has and they put like really…they put like information that targeting specific people into those boxes. So like BSO, the Black Student Organization got like really racist stuff about how black people were, like, corrupting the moral fiber of America. Res Life got, like, anti-semitic stuff which is random. LIVE, the Latino organization got stuff. We got stuff, and nobody…and of course, so, VUPD came to investigate right.

The camera that’s supposed to be there didn’t work. So, they have no idea who did it, and they, like, covered it up, like, DCC, the Diversity Concerns Committee is supposed to know about that. Jane in the Office of Multicultural Programs was supposed to know that, like, like, the Dean of Students Affairs, everyone is supposed to know this stuff was going on and somehow it got completely silenced and I was actually the one who had to tell someone on DCC that, you know, this happened, but there was like no… They said there was a formal investigation, but nothing, like, ever came up, that… and like Allison talked to President Heckler and was, like, “Why didn’t, why, why didn’t the campus know about this cause nobody knows that this happened? It was, like, kept really hush, hush.”

And he was like, “Well, we don’t want it to end in, like, to initiate a copycat crime.” Um, because a couple of years ago, I think it was like when we were freshman, the, the MLK Center, that used to be like down there, got vandalized, and there were like swastikas and racial epithets put on it all over the place, and then after people made like a big to do about that, as they rightfully should, right. Um, somebody burned it down. So, they were afraid that if they said something about this incident that somebody would do something more, at a grander scale, I guess you could say.