“He was a very solitary man and I totally respect that… Having alone time is a necessary thing.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one approach.) Please email your questions to us […]
Author: Allison Schuette
We Don’t Know What You Guys Think
“We really want to make friends with any American students.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one approach.) Please email your questions to us or post them in the comment box […]
Racially Motivated
“People may turn it on people and say, ‘You did this because I’m black and you’re white,’ and ‘You’re racist.’ It hurts you inside.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one […]
People Still Question Me
“I never wanted to be part of an organization fixed towards one type of people.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one approach.) Please email your questions to us or post them […]
Kept to Myself for a Good Long While
“I had a lot of preconceptions, or, maybe, misconceptions, about what it would be like.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one approach.) Please email your questions to us or post them […]
Nobody Talks to Me
“I was getting mad every single time.” Hold a Conversation In addition to the questions below, please see How to use the questions for reflection. Clarifying Questions What does the narrator experience in his first year? How does he respond? What emotions does he describe? What changes in his second year? How does he respond? What […]
Of Course – She Was My Roommate
“You have to embrace the differences because it helps you realize who you are and who you’re not, who you don’t wanna be or who you do wanna be.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use […]
It’s A Lot Like High School
“I feel like the Midwest is very–not old fashioned–but socially conservative; anything that is not normal is either wrong or judged most of the time.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for […]
I Have a Mohawk; I’m Scaring People
“On those really, silly, totally American, almost hackneyed or clichéd topics, you find these commonalities, and then you can just burrow from there.” Hold a Conversation Can you imagine leading a conversation about this story? Where? With whom? What kinds of questions would you pose? (See How to use the questions for reflection for one approach.) […]