Our audio stories in no particular order. Just click on the title to listen.
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Getting on Your Feet, Staying on Your Feet
The most difficult thing about homelessness as a female is maintaining your level of dignity.
I was pulling a suitcase down the sidewalk going from one friend’s house to another friend’s house to a staircase in an apartment complex.
Wow, it happened to me, it could happen to anybody.
When you feel like you have no recourse, you take it.
We were proud.
Lived Between Two Physical Barriers
If it’s the culture… that’s what you do.
If I just let them assume, they’ll assume I have the same kind of stuff as them.
If we think of it in terms of race, we would not hold a debate over whether it was appropriate for blacks to be pastors.
I need for people to stop making that assumption of me.
It’s embarrassing when you have to put everything out on the table.
I am not ashamed…
What It’s Like to Be in That Position
It’s not a healthy way to live. It’s very, very stressful.
Our students will learn to celebrate a broad collection of voices when they start hearing a broad collection of voices.
I’m all for free speech, but a lot of these things kinda went a step beyond.
Hello, here I am, I’m trying.
Yeah, maybe I really thought some Disney princesses were absolutely beautiful, but the princes were really cute, too.
My Hindu friends say I’m a Hindu… my black friends call me “sistah…” So, no, I don’t identify with white.
I would have been so normal if I grew up anywhere else.
It seems a little strange to them when I get people overload.
We play a very integral part in this community, and we want to be recognized for that.
Sometimes I feel like I’m in the middle of two worlds, four worlds, and sometimes I feel like I’m not a part of any of them.
It Felt Kind of Odd to Wear It
People did a double take when I walked in… I could feel them looking at me.
Well, I wish I could go in there, but I can’t.
I took my hijab off, and I put it away, and I told my husband, “No more.”
Indiana? That’s a Foreign Land
They live in igloos… you’re gonna freeze, and they’re not going to give you sweet tea.
Muslims Are People’s Neighbors
There are two billion Muslims in the world, like, that’s two-sevenths of the world population.
The more I learn about other people, the more the obstacles fall between us.
Here’s me and a Hispanic Muslim kid and everybody else.
Totally Safe Unless You’re Brown
When he would come visit me, we would never leave campus.
This is me and this is how I’m going to dress.
I’ll see people down the hallway, and they’ll walk out a door because they know who I am. They don’t want to “catch the gay.”
People may turn it on people and say, “You did this because I’m black and you’re white,” and “You’re racist.” It hurts you inside.
My first year experience wasn’t very welcoming, and I never really got that initial ‘belonging’ feeling.
I don’t know if it’s really a race thing so much as a cultural difference.
I’m all for free speech, but a lot of these things kinda went a step beyond.
It was tough for me because I don’t like to tell people to shut up.
I Don’t Feel Excluded, but I Don’t Feel Invited
Valpo has a very big responsibility to each student to ensure that they are feeling welcomed.
I’m ok with identifying myself as a Southerner, but I wouldn’t say that that’s my identity as a whole.
I don’t think there’s a strictly White category; I think that’s just the default.
You’ve Got to Be Able to Adapt
It really depends on all the connections you build because belonging’s something you have to work at.
Enamored with These Beautiful, Young Faces
It takes a lot for our hearts and our minds and our eyes to get there, where we start viewing groups that look different than us not as groups but as individuals.
You should always be willing to let someone else in–if you trust them.
We’re all fundamentally the same and our differences are trivial–I disagree… We’re fundamentally different, and we have an unbelievable amount in common.
Baptism: I Was Not Very Religious
I went to Pastor Char and said, “Hey. I’d really like to be baptized, but I don’t think I’m a Lutheran.” And she looked at me and said, “Okay. What questions do you have?”
I would teach him something so when he encountered with people from my community, he or she would never get shocked or surprised by my people.
I Have This Fear That I Come Off Weird
The real good friends will pay attention to you no matter what.
I wish that people would take that step back and think about how it would make them feel.
They don’t come to us. I want to be in a sorority, but they assume I don’t want to be in there because they’re all white. I feel like they lose out.
Core Kind of Turned Out to Be That Way
Even if the Chinese students couldn’t always understand what was going on… they still felt like a part of our family.
I have met other international students from my roommate… They’re all pretty cool.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I was like, “Really guys? Really?”
Curious in a Very Positive Way
I love that my older daughter makes reference to her friend, Regina, as brown.
Q: So you didn’t want to eat, or you didn’t like yourself?
A: No, it’s a different issue.
There isn’t a single Syrian family that has not had to deal with loss in Syria…, but humanity in general should be worried.
He was a very solitary man and I totally respect that… Having alone time is a necessary thing.
We Don’t Know What You Guys Think
We really want to make friends with any American students.
I never wanted to be part of an organization fixed towards one type of people.
Kept to Myself for a Good Long While
I had a lot of preconceptions, or, maybe, misconceptions, about what it would be like.
I was getting mad every single time.
It was strange to see men and women sitting with each other, discussing economics, politics, sports.
You have to embrace the differences because it helps you realize who you are and who you’re not, who you don’t wanna be or who you do wanna be.
I feel like the Midwest is very–not old fashioned–but socially conservative; anything that is not normal is either wrong or judged most of the time.
I’m used to the idea of being looked at, but I’m not used to actually being looked at.
I Have a Mohawk; I’m Scaring People
On those really, silly, totally American, almost hackneyed or clichéd topics, you find these commonalities, and then you can just burrow from there.
Something That I Was Looking For
If people are uncomfortable, they’re just not going to go.
Barging in with Our Rainbow Flag
He said, “The opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality; it’s holiness.”
Different feels, whether it actually is this in truth, feels like less than.
I’m in the right place.
American People Take It for Granted
I have to constantly learn how to keep good relationships with people.
By playing [Thai] music, people recognize me as Thai.
Why Do You Look Like Such a Little Boy?
They’ll say, well, it’s fine, I just don’t want to hear about it.
I Get Food from the Food Pantry
So you liked being on the bus with all the people who don’t have money?
The hope. . .was that we would be able to be inter-Lutheran on that day. . ..
The University needs to do more than putting a bunch of different kinds of people in one spot and hoping they interact with each other.
Most of the people that you see are white, straight, and English speaking.
Valpo likes to hide things that are going wrong.
It’s something white people should make themselves do–go be awkward.
Diversity Should Come Naturally
How many people are willing to step out of the comfort zones and learn about different worldviews?
I feel like people are just hiding under this Christian mask….
It feels very human nature to me, but I think it’s wrong.
I had a boyfriend on campus. And it was fine. People knew that. He himself wasn’t comfortable with being gay.
Sometimes, I don’t feel black enough to hang out with black people.
Almost just the thought of going to that event not knowing anyone terrifies the crap out of me.
It made me feel loved that they were so willing to change.
Naive in the Comments They Make
Why are you coming up to us when you know that either we can’t afford that or we just would never pay that?
Better Than Struggling by Yourself
I come from a diverse background, so I’ve always ben really passionate about Hispanics and immigration.
Maybe I will be rude to their religions.
It’s Not You; It’s Your Gender
I couldn’t be for him what he wanted me to be.
Hearing her say her own experience through her own words is pretty enlightening.
You Don’t See Behind the Scenes
It’s not always about the fraternity and sorority Greek letters clashing across campus.
Religiously Speaking Something of an Outsider
I’m not Lutheran, so in a sense I brought diversity to the theology department… and more than that I brought new methods.
At first, that seemed to be something that would be totally contradictory to everything I ever believed. . .
I like to be seen as an ally as opposed to an enemy.
I’ve Prayed in Some Really Weird Places
At the end of the day, most of us want the same things. There should be respect on both ends.
The ideal is a gender blind society… but in some quadrants, we’re slipping back into patriarchy.
White privilege does not equal white guilt; racism does not equal minority rage.
Does Valpo even know who I am?
Not all trans people want a surgery; they just want to be seen as the gender they’re presenting as.
Atheism is like the black mark. Nobody wants to say they’re atheist.
Basketball Has Been a Necessity
This is where I belong; I should be out there now, helping my teammates.
I do have trouble finding friends here because I’m in the graduate program.
I have a non-binary gender identity. A lot of people don’t know what that is here.
I came onto campus quote-unquote Lutheran.
Religion is the one thing that shouldn’t be compromised… We shouldn’t water down a message to bring in as many people as possible.
I Didn’t Even Want to Drink the Water
What am I doing here? Are these really my friends?
Everyone Instantly Went Silent
Not knowing that what he said was very rude, he thought he was being funny.
I slept through my station. It was dark and the trees were out and it was like in a scary movie. I saw one last car.
On one level, it was intimidating; on another, it was curious.
Hey you, you look black, stand over there, and hey you, you look gay, stand over there.
You see things through tunnel vision because society has set it up to where you don’t have to see so much.
100 Different Stereotypes in a Second
It’s just a vehicle for your soul; it’s what you’ve been given.
Love sporting the ties and man jeans.
When you’re a minority, it’s hard to grow as a person.
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